As part of an initiative between BILD Alberta, the Professional Home Builders Institute (PHBI) and the Alberta Safety Codes Council to educate industry on the 2023 National Building Code- Alberta Edition (2023 NBC(AE)), a six-part on-demand video series was developed.
These videos will support industry in increasing their knowledge and understanding of complying with the 2023 National Building Code – Alberta Edition. Any questions on the video resources can be sent to
Introduction to the 2023 Alberta Building Code Webinar
This webinar provides an overview of the 2023 Alberta Building Code, including Tier 1 and future energy tiers, the transition period, and implementation. The webinar also provides details on the 10 code change highlights that BILD Alberta’s Provincial Residential Technical Committee has identified that industry members need to be aware of. This webinar is designed to supplement the resources that BILD Alberta already provided, which can be found on the BILD Alberta website. This is a great opportunity for you and your teams to learn more about the 2023 Alberta Building Code and begin preparation for complying with the 2023 Alberta Building Code.
Video 1 – Overview of the 2023 National Building Code - Alberta Edition
This video will provide an overview of the 2023 NBC (AE), including how the National Model Building Code is developed, harmonization, and an introduction to the tiered energy requirements. This video serves as a primer for the Tiered Energy Section of the 2023 NBC (AE), and outlines what industry can expect, to comply with Tier 1. It does not include the important non-energy related changes, which can be found in BILD Alberta’s Code Change Highlights document.
Members interested in additional information and clarity on Tier 1 of the tiered energy performance, and peak cooling load requirements can review an overview here.
Video 2 – Prescriptive vs Performance
The second video of the series “ Prescriptive vs. Performance” is now available. This video will provide an overview of the differences between the prescriptive and performance compliance paths, compliance and requirements, and helpful considerations for choosing a compliance path.
Video 3 – Building Envelope Improvement
The third video of the series “ Building Envelope Improvement” is now available on the BILD Alberta website. This video will provide insight into complying with the building envelope improvement requirements of the 2023 NBC(AE). It includes details on potential unintended consequences, compliance options, best practices, airtightness, and considerations for multifamily homes.
Video 4 – Airtightness Testing
The fourth video in the 2023 NBC(AE) educational series “Airtightness Testing” is now available! This video provides details on the introduction of the new code section on airtightness, explains what airtightness is, how to measure and test it, and outlines the differences between NLR, NLA, and ACH. Additionally, it offers insights into increasing the airtightness of a home and explains how blower door tests are conducted.
Video 5 – Multi-Family NBC-AE 2023 Insights
The fifth video in the series, focusing on multi-family compliance with the National Building Code – 2023 Alberta Edition, is now available! This video offers valuable insights into key topics, including the compliance differences between single-family and multi-family homes, the importance of airtightness, its challenges and benefits, energy modelling for multi-family homes, party wall considerations, and managing peak cooling loads.
Video 6 – Peak Cooling Loads
The sixth video on peak cooling loads is now available. In this video, we cover the definition of peak cooling loads, how they are calculated, the challenges associated with them, and the requirements outlined in the NBC(AE) 2023. We’ll also explore how solar heat gain, fenestration, and the door-to-wall ratio (FDWR) are factored into the peak cooling load calculation, along with considerations for different building archetypes.
Please note that the 2025 National Model Building Code has not yet been finalized or published. Therefore, some references to the NBC 2025 in the video are based on proposed code changes included in the public review for the NBC 2025 code cycle.